Sunday, December 7, 2014

Every little Bit

Making a change can be daunting.  Especially when you try to make the change all at once.  As we look back on 2014 and towards yet another new year, what changes are you going to make?  Are you going to be more active?  Budget better?  Spend more time with your kids?  Eat healthier?  Watch less TV?  Stop smoking?

Are these some of the same changes you wanted to make last year?  If so, chances are you tried to do everything at once.  Am I right?  Word of advice start slow...

Write your first goal down and give yourself a deadline.  For example, I will lose 5 pounds by January 1st.

Take note:  I said WILL - not WILL TRY or WANT - I WILL

This makes this more than just a thought, it is not an option, it WILL happen!!!

Once you reach that goal, set the next one.  Always keep your goals attainable but keep the big picture in mind.

A final point, make your deadline short-term - within the 30 days - this keeps it impending and urgent.  In turn you will be less likely to procrastinate.

Keep at it - You've got this!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Tracking Progress!

Ask yourself daily, "Did I exert my best effort to achieving my goals today?"

If your answer is yes, great! If your answer is no, write down ONE THING you can do tomorrow to BE BETTER than you were today.

Striving for excellence is NOT perfectionism. While perfectionism is about being afraid to fail, striving for excellence is about putting in sincere effort, digging deep and discovering your strengths!

Take Note:  This does not mean that you need to be a slave to the scale or the tape measure.  Try instead to track what you eat or your exercise.  Take your weights and measurements only once a week.  Pick a day - Measurement Monday or STATurday - and take your measurements every week at the same time to make sure they are accurate.  Then WRITE THEM DOWN.  This way you can see exactly where the are going and see what changes you need to make from week to week.

P.S.  To see even more progress take your pictures once per month.  This helps you realize exactly how far you've come.  KEEP GOING!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Giving Thanks

This past year I have been given so much to be thankful for.  I feel like I have been given a second chance at life!  This journey has brought a whole new meaning to this holiday.

For example:

  • Through my weight-loss journey I have been given a second chance at life.
  • I have more energy to play with my children.
  • I have increased self-confidence.
  • I sleep better at night.
  • I am happier.
  • I have more patience.
It goes so far beyond this:
  • I am building relationships like I've never been able to before.
  • I've met a ton of new people.
  • I am able to inspire others through my own struggles and successes.
  • I have paid off all my commercial debt.
  • I am becoming a leader in helping others.
  • I am more in love with my husband than I ever have been before.  
  • I understand just how much I have to work at my everyday relationships to get the big picture I dream of.
  • I am dreaming bigger, scarier dreams than I ever have before.
More than anything, I now realize how much what I have learned can help others who struggle with the same things I do:

  • What to eat
  • When to eat it
  • How much to eat
  • How to prepare healthy food for my family
  • What to shop for
  • When to workout
  • What to do to maximize my workout without taking my whole day
Does this sound familiar?
Has this Thanksgiving left you feeling less than satisfied with your own health?
If so, consider joining us for our exclusive FREE 7 Day clean eating support group.

I want to show you in this week what you are capable of! It is a great opportunity when you get to go through something like this with a group of like minded people. Every single person in this group WANTS to learn something and you can get just a GLIMPSE of what it is like to make healthier habits on a daily basis and change your family’s life for the better! Let's get to know each other a little bit and let’s have some FUN while learning to feel GREAT!

Does this sound like a good fit for you?  Like something that could improve your life?  Your families?  Could this get you back on track?  IF so, message me to reserve your spot today?  Limited spots available!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

My Transformation

Prior to finding fitness - I was overweight, depressed, borderline diabetic, and angry.  I was angry at myself for allowing this to happen.  I was angry at my husband for allowing me to do this.  And, I was angry at my 2 beautiful little girls for what pregnancy had done to my body.

My epic self revelation came at church on in mid-January of 2014.  I had on a pair of my pre-pregnancy jeans and they "fit" and my baby had fallen asleep in my arms.  As I stood up and walked to the front of church for communion I could feel the muffin top spilling over and there was now way for me to pull my pants up.  My husband must have noticed too because he was standing very close behind me (PDA so not his thing)!

That's when I told myself that I was going to be an example for my little girls.

Prior to my second pregnancy I had been part of a Challenge group and had some great results.  I still had the entire pack still at home as well as some Shakeology.  I cleaned my kitchen of all the CRAP!!!  I had my daughter take some before pictures, recorded my beginning measurements, and started taking it one day at a time.  It hasn't been easy.  There are days when I still struggle with pushing play and eating right.  But I still keep going.

In my first 10 weeks I lost 28 lbs and over 30 inches. To date:  I have lost nearly 60 pounds, my BMI has dropped by over 20 points, my cholesterol is down over 50 points, and I am no longer on the brink of diabetes.  I am healthier, happier, and fitter than I ever thought was possible.  It is possible, If I can do this - anyone can do it!