Sunday, December 7, 2014

Every little Bit

Making a change can be daunting.  Especially when you try to make the change all at once.  As we look back on 2014 and towards yet another new year, what changes are you going to make?  Are you going to be more active?  Budget better?  Spend more time with your kids?  Eat healthier?  Watch less TV?  Stop smoking?

Are these some of the same changes you wanted to make last year?  If so, chances are you tried to do everything at once.  Am I right?  Word of advice start slow...

Write your first goal down and give yourself a deadline.  For example, I will lose 5 pounds by January 1st.

Take note:  I said WILL - not WILL TRY or WANT - I WILL

This makes this more than just a thought, it is not an option, it WILL happen!!!

Once you reach that goal, set the next one.  Always keep your goals attainable but keep the big picture in mind.

A final point, make your deadline short-term - within the 30 days - this keeps it impending and urgent.  In turn you will be less likely to procrastinate.

Keep at it - You've got this!